Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Thing about 12 Year Olds

Twelve year olds are great people. I have one, his name is Mckay and I think he is the best 12 year old ever. Mckay has lept from my arms and grown up to be such a little man almost overnight.

Twelve year olds are strong-willed. My 12 year old is a little stubborn yes, but so far his stubborn nature is taking him in a very good direction. Plus, who doesn't love a strong-willed, stubborn personality, right Russ?

My 12 year old might not admit it to all of you but he loves his Mom. With his Dad away all week, each evening Mckay asks things like: " Are you warm enough Mom?", " Do you want me to put the little boys in the bath for you?", " Do you want me to warm tea water?", and... " Goodnight Mom, I love you." He makes me beam.

My 12 year old loves me but please no public displays of affection. I was recently summoned by said 12 year old to bring his skates to school. It's a 15 min drive and I had already been once so a deal was struck over the phone. I would deliver the skates and he would hug me in public and say something like, " Thanks Mom, you're the best." With some insistence the plan went accordingly.

Twelve year olds are kind, thoughtful, very responsible and cute as all get out. They get phone calls from girls with silly crushes almost every weekend but one mother put a stop to that, he's mine for several more years.

You can depend on 12 year olds. Mckay gets things done and usually better that I expected. You can reason with 12 year olds and darn if they aren't a whole lot of fun to hang out and visit with. And, did you know that my 12 year old wakes himself up 15 minutes earlier than the rest of us to make his bed, shower, brush his teeth, style his hair and put some yummy smelling stuff under his chin, every morning. That's good right? A boy who likes to shower and clean his room.

I am so grateful for Mckay, he has developed a fun sense of humor, he's a gifted athlete, a good student and often complimented for his good manners and he's a good dancer to boot. Twelve years have flown by and I wouldn't trade one minute of them. Mckay is a blessing in our home and he makes things so much easier on me.

I am looking forward to future years with a 13, 14, and older young man.


Amy said...

You have some very handsome boys, Jana! Good job!

Kara said...

tear...I remember when that little twelve year old was a horrible cranky infant, made me never want children, glad he has turned it around! Love you McKay1

Summer said...

Ya, I remember when said 12 year old sat by us at church adn screamed blody murder ALL the time :) I don't see him much these days but I am sure he is much better :)

Hazel said...

I like your twelve year old very, very much. I even liked him when he was screaming. What a nice guy he turned out to be.
