Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Secret Admirer

A secret admirer for Mckay. His Dad claims he was down town when an unnamed mother approached him and asked him to deliver this valentine to Mckay. It was a beautifully decorated box with a homemade cupcake inside and a charming handwritten note that said "Happy Valentines Day". Much to Mckay's disappointment his Dad's lips are sealed. A secret is a secret.
The cupcake was delicious so I suggested Mckay take the box to school and MIA and see if it fit anyones foot, he just thought that was weird.
He is a very sweet, handsome young man who can also dance very well so I couldn't blame the secret admirer one bit, a good choice.


Kara said...

oooohhhh, I wish I was the secret admirer, only I have a hard time with secrets of such nature....

Karli said...

I'll bet there are a number of secret admirers for the McKay. It's gonna be hard to figure out which on is it!