Thursday, February 26, 2009

Little Walker Hurren

I wrote the following poem for my nephew Walker who loves to visit aunt Jana's house. The last time he visited we found a few things had, well...been destroyed. Things like the Peeps all eaten, several packages of gum chewed and Mckay's school essay cut into some very tiny pieces. I hope he visits again soon, we are prepared to take some precautions.

Little Walker Hurren
(adapted from Little Orphan Annie Poem)
When little Walker Hurren comes to our house to play
we hide the crayons and markers and put our gum away.
We clean up school projects and hide them in our desk
and cover any items that make a papery mess.
We conceal our easter candy, the kind we all call Peep
I guess they are no big loss, the things are very cheep (ha ha cheep, get it)
We hate to take precautions, we love the little fart
but if we are not prudent, other things will soon depart.


Kara said...

Very clever, describes Walker to a T. When he visited my house last he and Gage broke several jars of blueberry jam I had in food storage, there is still a nice bluish purple stain on the floor in the basement. Bring it on Walker!

Anna said...

cute poem, jana! my mom used to say little orphan annie to me when i was little. i always liked that poem!

Karli said...

Wow! How did I miss this a year ago. Ummm, sorry? He is getting better though.