Friday, January 30, 2009

Well Water?

I am going to blame this post on well water because it's too painful to think about being a horrible mother. Bridger (5) had eight root canals this October and this week he started complaining that one of those eight teeth was hurting. By Tuesday evening he was punching his face, screaming and literally jumping up and down in pain. Tell me this, why do these things start at about 6:00pm when there is no prayer of finding a dentist? By 4:00 am we figured out that if he gargled with cold milk and I sat him upright on my lap, he could fall asleep and fall asleep he did. After two and a half hours of very restful sleep I was up an at 'em with the other boys. At 10:00 am (the time anyone in Canada arrives at work) I woke up Bridger and we headed to the dentist who told us that we would have to go to Vancouver (10 hr drive) to a Pediatric dentist and that he could get me a quick reference in only three weeks. Three weeks of screaming? A few phone calls later I had an appointment in Prince George but not until the next day. Bridger's tooth calmed down some and he slept pretty well all day. By 6:00 pm Wednesday night the pain started back but this time was accompanied by a flu. Now poor Bridger was in pain, had a fever and was throwing up, another crazy night. We were headed to Prince George (one hour drive) by 10:00 Thursday morning with bucket in hand and doped up on Advil. At 12:00 another root canal was done and Bridger, numb from forehead to chin, was finally sleeping well in a warm car heading for his bed at home. I was so relieved. When we were only ten minutes from the house Bridger finally awoke, he sat upright and said,"Mom, me and you have had two rough nights." I so appreciated that simple sentence, he had recognized that I had helped him and he was grateful. Being a Mom isn't always fun but I am happy to be doing it. And hey, Uncle Blaine, if you are reading this the other boys have good teeth so I'm not all bad.


Amy said...

Poor little guy and poor mom! That sounds like a rough couple of days!

Marilyn J said...

Yea! You updated your blog. I love reading about the Jensen Happenings.

Lauri said...

Oh m'gosh! When you update, YOU UPDATE. I have loved every minute looking and reading, reading and looking. I love your life, always have, always will. You say, make, write, think and do such great things with your life. Thank you for sharing it. The details make my heart sing and help me feel a part of you, even though you're far away. Love to you, Aunt Lauri
P.S. AND you're an angel mother.

Kara said...

Darn well water, Tate feels your pain! I am thinking of making my kids drink plain fluoride, is there such a thing?