Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hooked on Fishing

Well, fishing isn't my first love, actually it doesn't even rank in my top 10, but my boys and husband love it and I love them, so I fish. Our favorite lake is Camsel and we like cooking over a fire, feeding our pet squirrel (affectionately know as Hamey) and laughing together. How blessed we are to live here in this beautiful part of the world and enjoy the sparkling blue water and green trees and yes even the stinky fish.


Karli said...

Can I get a 'WOOT WOOT'!!! I am so glad you joined the blogosphere! I look forward to reading about your boys' crazy antics. That is if you have any time to actually post between giving talks, meetings, working, wedding cakes and painting your sister's house. (Did I really just say that:)?) But I happen to know you're off the hook next week. Why do I know that? Because they caught Mike, hook, line, and sinker! (Do you like the fishing reference to go along with your blog? I thought you might!)

Love You

Kara said...

Holy crap you did it! I am very impressed! Pictures and all, very impressive indeed. Thanks for letting us stay at your place, we miss you all and are dying of heat here once again. See you soon.

Ryan McCoy said...

This week's sign of apocalypse...Jana is a blogger! Glad to see you that you have those annoying house guests gone ;)

Alex, JJ, Zac...The Lorenzen's said...

Jana- I love it and your boys are just as cute as I pictured. I am so glad that I am finally connected to you. :)

Anonymous said...

great blog buddy