Thursday, July 31, 2008

Emergency Room Visits

Boys, I love them but... Why must they be so rowdy? This week I took Mckay (12) back to the emergency room for the third time in just five months. In march he broke his nose and had to have surgery to have it straightened. His Dad told him it was cool to have a crooked nose like Peyton Manning but thankfully he didn't want a Peyton Manning nose so it was fixed. In April he broke his wrist playing dodgeball. "He's a little aggressive." says his P.E. teacher, but he did get an A. Sunday at Grandma G's he lept over a flower planter, walking around it doesn't occur to boys I guess. We're not sure it was the smacking it on the planter or the landing that did it but indeed he has broken his toe. Two weeks out of football should slow him down, yeah right. Just needed some advise on convincing the four to walk not jump, and tone things down, I am tired of the emergency room. HELP!!!


Karli said...

Maybe you're going enough for the both of us???? I hope so :) We still haven't had to make that trip with any of our boys yet. Knock on wood. At least we live super close just in case.

Ryan McCoy said...

McKay has all the fun. Hope it heals soon.

Your time will come Karli. If you've got boys, you'll be in the E.R. sooner or later.

Kara said...

did you get turned in this time? I would imagine you would. The nurses had all sorts of questions for me after taking Connor in 3 times in four months! Maybe McKay is a wimpy boy?

Alex, JJ, Zac...The Lorenzen's said...

I also hate the emergency I feel for you as the mommy. Hang in there! :)

Lauri said...

I'm hearing you about rowdy boys. Once Kyle and Mark reenacted David and Goliath with frightening accuracy (Mark was David, and Kyle was the unfortunate Goliath) We didn't go to the hospital but we were really glad Mark didn't go forward with the cutting-off-the- head part. A streaming bloody nose was enough.

Hey, I love your blog! You are my twin - I love everything you do.

Amy said...

I am embarrassed to admit it, but my parents had the same problem with me. When I was little I broke my arm three different times, my foot once, and my finger another time. I still am not very graceful, but at least I haven't broken any bones lately (knock on wood!)!

tyla weaver said...

Hey Jana,
Sounds like fun with all those boys!!! They seem to have a never-ending supply of not-so-good ideas!
Good to see some pictures of your cute family. You can check out our blog (and see how much like Jeff all his boys look)