Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gardening 2008

My summertime love is gardening. I love weeding, the smell of wet dirt and spending time with my boys ( Nobody fights when we are gardening). I guess I love it because weeds stay away for weeks and watering gives instant relief to the plants. The Vegetables are just a nice little bonus. Laundry and cleaning on the other hand never stays away and I just don't get the same sense of gratification from a clean sink. I get this gardening bug from my sister Kara, who also dislikes housework. Anyone who knows Kara knows that this is an outright lie but it should get a response out of her. Let's just say Kara could help me housekeep and I could certainly help her garden.


Kara said...

Hardy, har, har. Okay, I admit, your garden looks great, hopefully there are a few strawberries left after my boys helped themselves each day up there! house is actually a disaster today, laundry day, sheets included :) Hope all is well, miss you!

Alex, JJ, Zac...The Lorenzen's said...

Jana- I could use your help with my garden...I have less room and I can not keep my plants alive nor can I keep the weeds away. It's a sad reality. :(
I LoVE the photos!

Lauri said...

That must be the most beautiful garden ever. The metal head board, the silvery grey boxes, the potting shed - you should be featured in a garden magazine - or at least on your blog so we can share! Oh, you did. Thanks!

Kobe Family said...

Wow, that is a beautiful garden. It makes mine look like a weed patch (unfortunately that's what it ends up being) I wish I had your green thumb!