Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thanks Little Debbie

We purchased a box of these little treats. They are creamy, rolled in chocolate, and somewhat delightful. Homebaking is much better but in a pinch.....

Anyway, Landry LOVED them

After each bite she squeeled, and said, "ummmm, ummmm, ummmm." quote.

Oh joyful goodies

giggle, giggle, ummmmmm, ummmmm.
She LOVED them,

Got VERY messy

and wouldn't share ANY with me......

Well, maybe a little. We had a fun, scrumptious afternoon.


Lauri said...

I haven't laughed out loud at a blog for a long time. But I did now. What a riot! And may I suggest the Little Debbies Nutty Bars for further frolicking fun?

Karli said...

Well now I want a Little Debbie. :(

Kara said...

I'm going to refer to the blog post I made earlier today on Growing Up Gulbranson - Landry, we WILL help you!

Unknown said...

Cute!!!! A girl and chocolate just have to go together. I might have to go buy some now. They look yummy.

Anna said...

Mmmmm. I think I might have to try some myself now. What a pair of dolls! I can't believe how big Landry is now. We have GOT to get up there for a visit!