Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Playing Pioneer

When I was growing up a power outage was very exciting. My Mom would cook on her old wood cook stove, flashlights and candles were a must we all huddled around the fireplace for warmth and we called it "Playing Pioneer". I know we loved it more than Mom did, we didn't see the eminent need for bathing or using the toilet, there was always the great outdoors and water boiled on top of the wood stove for those trivial things. The other day I was reminded of playing pioneer when just minutes before leaving for church the power went out in our whole community. We still went to church and had a very nice testimony meeting in the dark. The last two meetings were cancelled due to a cold building and no pottys. So, home we went to play our own version of pioneer. We made our lunch in the fireplace (toasted marshmellows and hotdogs) visited and read further on the book we are reading together, The City of Ember. It was a nice day and the power came back on that afternoon.

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