Friday, March 6, 2009

Scout Camps

I don't always understand the inner workings of a young man's brain. Winter scout camps leave me only more befuddled. This weekend Mckay and his scout troop are going on a winter campout. Let me give you the numbers. 12 young men, 7 leaders, -17 C weather, 2 days and 1 freaked out Mom.
I am happy at times like these that I am a girl. I can still sleep in my warm bed, eat a warm dinner and watch a good movie.

I have to say the clincher was when they were handing out the freeze dried dinners. The scout leader held up the first meal and commented, " This is a chicken and rice dinner." Two hands went up to claim the chicken and rice delight. Next he held up a spagetti dinner. " This is spagetti and meatsauce, he said, they are really good, but they do give you really bad gas." up flew the other 10 hands. That has to be the number 1 reason I would not like to attend a scout camp. You don't get stuff like that at girls camp but you do trade stench for crying, complaining and screaming over bugs and dirty nails.


Karli said...

You forgot the part about "My hairdresser would KILL me if she knew I was treating my hair like this." Girls camp... ah, the memories.

Marilyn J said...

So what was the point of Winter Camp? You couldn't pay me enough.

Hazel said...

Wow! That really brings back memories. I'm with you, Jana. There seems to be no good reason to camp in the winter. And I'm glad my first grandson survuved.

kari and kijsa said...

Too much fun-but sounds crazy!
kari & kijsa

Lauri said...

As a wife and mother of other dedicated Scouters - I hear ya.

Anna said...

I've never understood winter campouts either. Especially when I can be cold right in my own house! And Justin wonders why I don't want to go to Grey's River in October. If my socks are standing up of their own accord when I get up in the morning, it's too cold for camping.