Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hockey Day in Canada

The weather turned out perfect for our own personal ice rink. We had an unusual warm spell and thaw and then a cold freeze. As a result we had our own rink and the boys took advantage.
This is not a true picture of a Canadian boy plating hockey. Most children have real sticks. Our boys, keep in mind, are football fans and so had to scour the farm for anything that could whack a puck. They came up with an old stick, a goalie stick, something too long to handle and of course Bridger drew the short straw and got the old crusty broom.

It was still lots of fun, they had to forced to come in for dinner.

the next weekend the boys turned in their egg monies for some street hockey sticks and have been playing on the rink ever since.


Karli said...

Why did I not know about this skookum little ice rink? Next year I guess. :)

Lauri said...

Who needs skates? Looks like a blast.

Hazel said...

I loved the hockey story. Wish I had been there. Those HANDSOME GUYS ar MY grandkids! Am I blessed or what?

Grandma J.